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Silence - what for?

Updated: Feb 20, 2019

Silence isn’t just about the absence of sound, or isolating ourselves in a quiet room. It’s really more about putting our mind in a right place where it becomes peaceful - without animosity or anger or dislike for the self, for others and for life's circumstances.

Silence is used in our playshop though reflective meditations - using short 2-3 minute commentaries to help focus our thoughts into something positive and affirming. Meditation that helps us realize something more substantial about ourselves.

Whether aware of it or not, silence is one of the experiences that our spirit thirst for, naturally. Our common expression of it is communing with nature, going atop a mountain, sitting by a quiet beach watching the sunset. Silence so fleeting that once we step away from the scene we begin to long for it again.

Actually silence is something we can easily return to - because it is our true and natural quality. Peace - it’s really who we are us spirit/soul/consciousness - whatever term one wishes to use.

The spirit of peace. This is who we are and touching it enables us to discover countless benefits, as well as untold joy. Experience real silence at RefreshLife.

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